Nanny Cams from CCS can be hidden in common household objects!
Nanny Cam Surveillance: Is It Legal To Use Hidden Camera?
It is indeed legal in all 50 states to use a hidden camera surveillance to record video-only without notifying anyone. However, it is illegal to record speech without a person’s consent in the following 15 states: California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, Oregon, Pennyslvania, and Washington.
It is legal for a homeowner to record anywhere in their home, with the exception of a bathroom where you expect others to use it. The video feed can be recorded and used in court at a later date. There are work place privacy laws, however these do not apply in a private home.
Computer Controlled Security of Long Island can help you to understand your options when it comes to covert video surveillance systems. Unlike CCTV systems, nanny cams are discreet and small and you have many options on style and placement.
Benefits of Using Nanny Cam Surveillance
There are a variety of cameras available on the market today. Most are wireless and can be hidden in almost any type of household item from a plant to a stuffed animal. Peace of mind and confidence in child care are reasons why some families opt to “spy” on their child’s provider. While you may have done your research or have made the best choice possible for home care, having a hidden surveillance camera can give you an extra edge when leaving your home and family while you are out.