Buy a Hidden Nanny Camera - Computer Controlled Security

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Buy a Hidden Nanny Camera



When you allow someone into your home, you are putting a lot of trust in that individual. When that individual is in charge of caring for your children when you’re not at home, the amount of trust increases tremendously. Even if the person has experience and solid references, you can never be too safe when it comes to your children. Fortunately, with the advancement of technology, you never again have to rely on blind faith that the babysitter, nanny or caretaker is caring for your children adequately and properly. A hidden nanny camera is your eyes and ears when you were not at home. A hidden nanny camera isn’t just for those who take care of your children. You can use one for the housekeeper, contractor or any other individual who will be in your home when you are not there.


The hidden nanny camera is legal in all 50 states. However, the recording of audio is illegal in California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, Oregon, Pennsylvania and Washington. If you live in one of the states, then you need to shop for a nanny cam that does not record audio. In these states, depending on the regulations between each state, turning off the sound of a hidden nanny cam may not be enough.


Other things to consider, is where you will place the hidden nanny camera. You can find nanny cams in an assortment of sizes and models. Some cameras are disguised as regular household items such as a teddy bear or clock. If you choose not to purchase a disguised hidden nanny camera, you must find a hiding place for the camera. You want to make sure that the location you choose is not obvious but at the same time is situated to where it can catch images.


When searching for the perfect hidden nanny camera, you will soon find that they come with different features. One of the main features is playback. Some cameras offer live feed that you can watch via the Internet. This will give you the ability to watch real-time interactions while you are at work or elsewhere. Other cameras allow you to record images and then watch them at a later time and/or date. This model will either come with its own memory card or allow you to connect and watch with your DVD player.


Finally, with the hidden nanny camera there are two major power types – electric or battery operated. Battery-operated nanny cams come with no cords, making them easier to hide. However, they come with a very short battery life. The electric model will allow you to record much longer. And if you’re looking to conceal the camera, you can select models that are hidden inside of radios. This is the best solution for those who will be away longer than six hours a day. The camera begins to record when you plug-in the radio.


Article Source:   Nicole Roberts –


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