Buyers Guide To Security Camera Systems - Computer Controlled Security

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Buyers Guide To Security Camera Systems



Although the application of CCTV security have not changed very much over the past years, the tools and equipment have significantly. Cameras became smaller, cheaper and better, but the major breakthrough happened in recording equipment.


Therefore many customers shopping for complete CCTV monitoring and recording systems are confused by such a verity of available products. The goal of this article is to guide buyers toward the best possible and most economical type of CCTV equipment, based on intended implementation and requirements.


Selecting the right cameras.


It is virtually impossible to describe all types of available ones in this short article. We will focus our attention on most popular and widely used camera types instead.


CCTV security cameras produce images using CMOS or CCD (Charge Couple Device) chips. Tiny, very low price CCTV cameras usually use CMOS technology, produce poor quality images and have very poor light sensitivity. Decent quality CCTV cameras use CCD technology. The size of the CCD chip is normally 1/4″, 1/3″ or 1/2″. As a rule of thumb, the larger the size, the higher the quality of the image produced and the higher the price. However, higher density 1/4″ and 1/3″ CCD chips can now produce as good an image as many 1/3″ or 1/2″ chips.


The number of TV lines in the security camera image is a measure of picture resolution (sharpness). The larger the number of TV lines, the better the resolution and hence, overall picture quality. Standard resolution camera may have 350-380 lines, over 400 TV Lines is generally considered good resolution while over 500 TV lines is considered high resolution. B/W chip cameras produce greater resolution and better light sensitivity, therefore suitable for use in dark areas where light conditions are poor most of the time.


On the other hand color cameras offer more realistic and natural picture. CCTV cameras are usually divided into different types based on the body of the camera used.


Professional grade cameras.


Have box type body with the ability to use different types and size of lenses. Exchangeable lenses enable this camera, to monitor objects from virtually any distance. Although for indoor use, they can be used for outdoor when combined with weatherproof housing. They are considered to be the most flexible and widely used by professionals for commercial installations.


PC Based Systems.


A special board and software installed on the computer will allow camera inputs and store video on the hard drive.


Many people are under the misconception that personal computer with additional hardware installed, will do the job. This explains the hundreds of companies that have hung up a sign, taken out some ads and begun working out of basements and garages, holding themselves out to be DVR manufacturers and security specialists. The main problem with this type of CCTV recorders lies in the main component of it… Yes, it is a computer, designed to do unlimited tasks, but non well. The truth is that any computer based digital video recorder is, and will always be vulnerable to software crashes, hang-ups, system instability, virus related problems etc…


Stand Alone Systems.


Very similar in appearance and control functions to standard VCR recorders, are truly remarkable devices. Most video processing is done by hardware, therefore eliminating system crashes, video is also stored on hard drive in digital format. The basic operating system, usually Linux, is permanently stored on special processor, witch is impossible to overwrite or corrupt. Designed and manufactured with single application in mind, it is by far better in performance and reliability to its PC based rival.


Some DVR systems will even have remote monitoring capability, useful when monitoring is required in different locations through Internet or network. Most important futures to look for when selecting the right DVR recorder are motion detection and frame speed. The higher the frame speed the more fluent video recording. Motion detection will allow recording video from each camera only when motion is detected; this is great for extending video recording time.


Security Monitors.


Video from Security recorder could be displayed on regular TV monitor. It is OK to do it this way, for baby monitoring or residential application, when quality of the picture is not that important. However for professional installation, security monitors are as much important as cameras. They offer extended life of picture tube (necessary with any static picture, that can cause picture burnout) and much grater resolution.


Cables and wiring.


Finally any camera installation will require proper wiring. Good quality cable will prevent video degradation over long distance runs. It is recommended to use RG59 or RG6 coaxial cables as it is fully shielded and will prevent video loss up to 400 ft. Coaxial cables will require BNC connectors and proper installation possibly done by experienced technician. In short runs plug and play non-coaxial cables with factory installed BNC connectors may be used (up to 150 ft.). The plug and play cables are easy enough to install by not experienced users.

Cables for CCTV cameras consist of two cables bundled in one jacket. One cable for video and one for power delivery.




Every CCTV system is as good and reliable as its weakest component. With this in mind, investing on highest quality and performance cameras, while purchasing low performance recorder, from economical and practical standpoint just does not make sense.


For example, why use CCTV cameras with 500 TV lines of resolution with monitor that offers only 380 or less. All the benefit of high-resolution camera is affectively sacrificed by limited capability of monitor. Asking questions is important before purchasing video security system, and your vendor will probably be able to give more details and recommend equipment for specific needs and requirements.


Article Source:  Robert Moskal –


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