Cctv Security Systems - Computer Controlled Security

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Cctv Security Systems



A CCTV security system has several components in it in order to make it complete. There are cables to connect all the components together, a digital video camera to record motion pictures, a display monitor, other accessories and CCTV camera that will take still pictures.


There are two types of CCTV security systems. There are wired ones and wireless ones. The wired systems have several advantages. They cannot be hacked by an external person. They can only be hacked when someone gets access to the cables but this is unlikely as the guard can monitor several monitors to keep off hackers. A wireless CCTV security system is very easy to install. This is because you do not need to study the wiring. It is also neat as you will not have cables running all through the place. However, wireless security systems can be easily hacked into by an external receiver. This makes it easy to be attacked.


The primary use of CCTV systems is the surveillance of commercial and domestic property. The use of CCTV systems has been increased and nowadays they are used to record sports activities, bird watching, monitoring industrial production and monitoring medical procedures.


Before the invention of CCTV security systems, people were using security alarms. These alarms have been an essential part of many homes and offices. However, people are now using the CCTV systems as they are better than the security alarms.


With CCTV systems, you will be able to monitor all the activities in the area that is under surveillance. This is possible as there are digital cameras that clearly capture the activities. You can therefore monitor your premises from the gate to where you are by looking at a monitor installed in one of the rooms. The systems therefore deter criminals away, making them look for easier targets. This system makes the investigation process accurate. This is facilitated by the fact that there are cameras which take images. When investigations begin, the image recorded by the security system can be used to find the suspect. Since all the actions are recorded, there is strong evidence and justice can be done easily. The cameras will always work making them efficient and reliable. This is unlike having human watchmen who can sometimes take sick days.


CCTV security systems protect employees. This mainly applies to employees who work in customer service. These people are bound to interact with all manner of clients. Some might be calm and understanding while others might be violent. When violent customers realize that they are being monitored by CCTV cameras, they will refrain from attacking these employees.


CCTV security systems at the same time have a disadvantage. The guard must be licensed especially if the area under surveillance is public. Some people are against CCTV surveillance as they think that it robs them of their privacy. Employees who are constantly under CCTV surveillance complain that having their daily behavior monitored makes them really uncomfortable. The CCTV security systems do not always work. If the cameras are installed improperly, they cannot monitor high traffic areas. Criminals can use the opportunity to commit crime at those points as they will not be on tape. CCTV is also not able to display all the areas in the area under surveillance, even if the cameras are positioned correctly. People who are aware of this can take advantage of it. Criminals who know the positioning of the camera can find their way around them and cover the cameras or put chewing gum on the lenses.


The price of this security system has reduced greatly over the years. This makes it very affordable.


Article Source: Diane Kirby –


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