Choosing A Nanny Cam - Computer Controlled Security

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Choosing A Nanny Cam



Choosing a nanny can be a hard decision to make. You want your child to be supervised and loved as you would. Nanny cams are popular with many parents as a way to keep eyes and ears on your child when you are not around. Choosing a nanny cam can be just as difficult of a decision as choosing the nanny was. There are many things to keep in mind when looking for the perfect nanny cam.


Decide on where you want to install the nanny cam. The location is a big factor in deciding what type of camera you want. Does your nanny stay home and in the nursery most of the time? There are cameras that resemble infant toys, such as the teddy bear cam. These would not be noticed by the nanny if in the nursery but may be too obvious if in your formal living room. If your nanny takes your child to the park, you may want a small camera that can be hooked onto your stroller. These also can look like little keepsakes that would not be out of place.


Choose a camera that stores images in a way that you would be able to access them. There are some cameras that record and you can watch at a later time. Some give live feed that you can access via the internet. Pick the camera that best works with your needs. If you are unable to access it from work,.the ones that record for later viewing are typically less expensive.


Set your budget. Nanny cams can run from a low fifty dollars to over a couple of hundred. There are many styles and even colors to choose from.


Research the law. Although having a nanny cam in your house is legal in all states, there are some states that prohibit the recording of sound. Make sure that your state is not one of these. As of the writing of this article, the states are California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, Oregon, Pennsylvania and Washington. If your state does not allow the recording of sound, then that limits the cameras that you can use.


Article Source:    Melanie Fluery –


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