Commercial & Residential Security Cameras

Security News

Commercial & Residential Security Cameras



Office security cameras – The security of an office can be enhanced by the use of security cameras. Commercial establishments and organizations are prone to sabotage and breach of security. With the increasing terrorist threats, it has become a necessity to install cameras in offices. Going through the recorded images of an office camera will help in cracking the case faster and identifying the criminals. Investigations can be prolonged if such important evidences are not available.


Office cameras record every move made by employees, visitors and employers alike. There is constants surveillance on any kind of suspicious or dubious act. Placement at specific points can indeed help in preventing hazardous incidents. Offices should use metal detectors and explosive detectors along with security cameras to make the workplace safe. Certain offices use security cameras as spy cameras to keep an eye on its employees. This stops any immoral or irresponsible act conducted during office hours.


Home security cameras – The number of crimes are constantly increasing. Home, a place that people consider to be the safest place, is not safe anymore. The home has become a target of several harmful activities in the recent past. The use of cameras at home has now become a necessity and not just an option. Home cameras not only help in detecting crime, but also help in preventing them. Surveillance cameras have become the weapon to fight the growing number of terrorist activities.


With the advancement of technology, it is now possible to view the images from a security camera on your home television. No separate monitor is required for outdoor or indoor surveillance. Some parents prefer using home cameras to indoor surveillance. It helps them keep an eye on their children 24×7. Home cameras have helped parents to be aware of incidents of child abuse or child violence by domestic helps and baby-sitters. To make sure that the house is completely safe, the cameras have to be positioned at the right places. People who cannot afford a home camera often use dummy cameras. The dummy security cameras help in alerting the miscreant and prevent crimes like real cameras. However, real cameras provide important evidence at the court when a crime is committed.


School security cameras – Schools witness several incidents that can be identified and prevented by using security cameras. The school cameras are now smoothly replacing security officers. In recent times it has been noted that many schools are opting for security cameras to make sure that the children are safe. This comes as a consequence of schools becoming targets of terrorist activities.


School security cameras are placed in strategic positions. These allow viewing and recording of the images. School security cameras have evidently reduced crimes committed on campus. The fact that they are being watched has prevented students from involving in violent and harmful acts. The school cameras help in alerting the authorities about any potentially dangerous situation. In some cases, the timely intervention of the school authorities has managed to prevent a dangerous incident.


Article Source: Tashin B. Alyanak –


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