Consider A Nanny Cam - Computer Controlled Security

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Consider A Nanny Cam


Choosing a babysitter often causes angst among parents. Although no one wants to believe the new babysitter could ever harm their child, that nagging fear still persists. Hidden home video surveillance cameras, often called nanny cams, are becoming commonplace as a means to provide absent parents peace of mind.


What Is A Nanny Cam?


Nanny cams are hidden surveillance cameras designed to record children and their caregivers. The cameras are typically wireless, although wired versions exist. These cameras often blend into the surroundings and may be designed to resemble something else such as a clock radio, a smoke detector, or a teddy bear. The cameras transmit images to a remote Digital Video Recorder (DVR) for storage and later viewing.


Selecting a Nanny Cam


What kind of surveillance camera should you choose? Physical appearance is a matter of personal choice and some cameras are more covert than others. When selecting a camera, choose one with the widest possible viewing area. Choosing a camera that sits on the floor is impractical as it may not capture everything in the room.


Using Nanny Cams


By linking these surveillance cameras to a home automation controller, you can access them remotely via Internet-connected devices such as a home automation gateway. Instead of calling the babysitter to get status updates, you can log into your home network and see for your yourself. Install several cameras in places such as the baby’s room, the living room, and the kitchen, to get greater coverage around the house.


Article Source:   Ron Fritz –


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