Hidden Nanny Cams - Computer Controlled Security

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Hidden Nanny Cams



For anyone who doesn’t believe in hidden nanny cams, please keep reading. When baby Sylvie was just born, she had the luxury of cuddling up to her mother every day and night. Six weeks later, mom had to go back to work. With confidence in a neighbor’s daughter Kelly, Sylvie’s mom left her newborn baby with Kelly for a few weeks.


For months co-workers and fellow mothers in her office told her that she has to invest in a nanny cam. The finally convinced her that it was the modern thing to do and that she has every right to know what’s happening with her baby while she’s not there. So, Sylvie’s mom purchased a teddy bear hidden nanny cam and set it up one morning.


For a couple of days, things looked normal. Then one day, after a long day at work, checking the playback of Kelly and Sylvie she saw Kelly ignoring her baby all day to hang out with her boyfriend who was back from college for the summer. Yes, Kelly came in to change her occasionally, but the boyfriend was always around…until he left just before she came home from work.


Astonished and upset she could not believe her eyes. As a mother, she needed to protect her daughter. The next day at the office, she couldn’t thank her co-workers enough for their cautious nature.


If Kelly was left alone with Sylvie for even a day longer, who knows what could have happened to Sylvie. As human beings, most of us want to trust each other and believe that everyone has a sense of in-tact morals. However, we’re often surprised to find that this thought process is not reliable. With the miracle of nanny cams and other wireless spy cameras from spy shops, parents can keep an eye on their children, even when they’re not around.


Even just the knowledge that it’s possible for a mom to be hiding a nanny cam is pressure enough for a babysitter to act responsibly. So, the fact that technology has made these hidden cams available for all income levels, has really helped parents to keep a better eye on the people that are watching their children when they can’t.


Just knowing that you’re going to be able to physically see your child’s day on recording is such a huge incentive to invest in these gadgets. Better yet, all you have to do is plug the device into your VCR for recording, or get an all-in-one camera to playback directly from the unit. Either way, this is much easier than sending a person to your house to peek through the windows to check on your babysitter.


That old fashioned way of checking on things is just so inefficient and outdated. Everything else you own is digitally recorded or stored.


This is the time to get with the program parents. You don’t have to blindly trust babysitters or nannies any longer. You will be confident that your child is happy, safe and protected while you are away.


Article Source:   Craig Anders – www.EzineArticles.com


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