Modern Wireless Burglar Alarm Systems - Computer Controlled Security

Security News

Modern Wireless Burglar Alarm Systems



Since 2002, all crimes in this country have gone down with the exception of burglary which has steadily increased and now with the economic downturn is accelerating.


Burglar Alarm Systems are the number one way of preventing burglars from breaking into your property, and this is by far the best way to protect your possessions and the occupants of your household. Most burglaries are carried out by petty opportunist thieves, and quite often they don’t have to use much force to gain entry to your home. Burglar alarms are one of the must-have products in any home or building today. Burglar alarms are also a popular way of providing general all round security for the rest of your property with variety of alarms for  garages, barns, driveway and  even panic alarms systems specifically for vulnerable people such as single people living on their own or the elderly or infirm.


The most common form of Burglar Alarm System requires professional installation with extensive electrical wiring in combination with professional monitoring services. The cost of this form of home protection is expensive and involves ongoing monthly payments above the initial costs.


The development of modern wireless digital technology has resulted in the creation of Wireless Burglar Alarm Systems with Automatic Dialers. These Systems provide similar home protection as that provided by wired systems at a fraction of the expense and with no invasive installation. They are portable, easy to install, can be self monitored. These systems can readily be used by renters who need to take a system with them, something that can’t be readily accomplished with wired-in systems.


An outstanding example of a line of technologically advanced Wireless Home Alarm Systems beginning at just $89.00 is found at These Wireless Systems come with a storage memory with the capacity to hold six phone numbers up to 21 digits [for international and toll-free calls as well as local numbers and 911 and a pre-recorded message. The systems all have integrated automatic dialers with automatic redial and built-in battery backup power supply. Each system can be expanded up to 96 sensors and with a built-in wireless siren transmitter, has the capability of running an unlimited number of wireless sirens as well. Being all digital, the systems supports the most popular consumer functions such as programmable passwords, anti-line cut warning system, programmable entrance and exit delays, anti-interference protection and others. The systems are controllable by remote control and by telephone. These systems work with landlines and broadband. The American Bulldog Security brand even has the built-in capacity to work with the Contact ID so buyers can home monitor or have a professional service do it for them.


Wireless Alarm Systems can be used in stores, businesses and offices as well as in residences. Without having to pay unending monthly service fees or costly installations, the number one deterrent against thieves, the Burglar Alarm System is becoming available to the general public.


Article Source: Ronald Katz –


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