Nanny Cameras For Peace Of Mind - Computer Controlled Security

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Nanny Cameras For Peace Of Mind



With busy schedules, a life with high pressures, increasing cost of living, parents are left with no choice but to hire a nanny. On the other hand, crime rate and incidents of petty theft and abuse are on the rise. This poses an extremely difficult situation for the parent who needs to leave the child alone with the nanny at some point in time. This is mainly because it has become obvious that a nanny cannot be trusted even when they come with a good reference and past experience. In such a situation it is obvious for most parents to feel apprehensive and try and complete their errand, chore or job as soon as possible to return back to their children. The anxiety is higher among parents of younger children since they cannot really recount what they had been doing while the parent is away.


There is obviously help at hand in the shape of nanny cameras. These nanny cameras, also called nanny cams have grown more sophisticated over the years. With the use of these small and classy gadgets, you can be sure that the nanny is feeding your child well, not using bad language, handling the child gently and ensuring that she does her job well.


If you know the area where your child and nanny are likely to spend the maximum time, you can make sure that you go through the interactions in a more detailed manner later. Doing this is not only a matter of the security of your child. Such an act can help you understand the manner in which your child’s questions are being answered, what the nanny is telling the child and whether she is trying to inculcate good habits or not. Given that childhood is an impressionable age and that there are some incidents that can make a lasting negative impression on your child’s mind, it is essential that these be monitored closely before it gets too late.


Hidden nanny cameras are better than those placed in obvious positions in the house. A nanny cam that has been placed in an obviously visible area can be avoided very easily. This spoils the entire purpose of having a nanny camera. Rather than using large surveillance cameras, small nanny cams and mini cams are a better option.


With better technology and more creative ideas to meet this need, manufacturers now produce nanny cams that are hidden and disguised in small soft toys, wall paintings, baby alarm clocks or other such items where a nanny cam can be hidden. Wireless cameras are preferred over wired ones since the wires do not need to be hidden. Wireless cameras are also more convenient to place in different positions in the house. You can also choose fixed nanny cams that can be remote controlled to span the entire areas.


In case you are wondering whether filming someone without prior knowledge is legal or not, it might help to know that nanny cams are completely legal since the use of a hidden camera is allowed. Some states however, do not allow undeclared capturing of speech so it is prudent to be careful of this in case you are using a hidden camera.


Article Source:   Steve Thibeault –


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