Options in Home Security Systems - Computer Controlled Security

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Options in Home Security Systems



Security system technology has not been immune to the technological revolution that has effected the electronics industry over the past decade and the result is that systems and the components that they contain are now far more accurate and reliable. Another benefit to home security is that while security systems have become increasingly complex and now offer more layers of protection, they have also become far more user friendly.


In fact, many people are unaware that a modern home security system can now be activated and deactivated exactly the same way as a car alarm, using a small button device that fits on a key chain. Also, new voice recognition technology has also come to home and business security systems that allows the owner to actually give voice commands to their system with complete security.


One new device that has completely revolutionized the home security business is infrared and motion detectors. With these devices located in and around a residence, several layers of security can be established that work to make a building that much more impregnable. Now the security system can start outside of the home or business, by establishing a thirty-five foot protective perimeter that will trip the system if anyone enters it once the system is turned on.


They function perfectly, day or night and in any type of weather and are impossible to approach without setting them off. This new type of security barrier means that a burglar no loner has to break into a building to be detected and in fact will be detected before he has a chance to even touch the building that is being protected.


The option of wireless technology now means that there are no more wires in an alarm system, if you use this new technology. No wires, means that there are no wires that can be cut to bypass the system and that the signal will also be sent to the monitoring station just like a cell phone call if it is a monitored system.


Having your system monitored or unmonitored is still another option that comes with a modern high tech security system and with a monitored system it is constantly monitored by a security agency. The benefit of a monitored system is that you are not alone should there be an emergency and help will immediately be called. There is no guarantee that you will be free to use the phone in the event of an emergency, so this is another layer of security that you can add to your system.


Of course your system will now come with an auxiliary back up power source that can power the system for weeks if the main power supply should be cut off. The fact is that security systems have now become so reliable that even the criminal element has recognized it. Surveys of convicted burglars has found that well over ninety percent of them pass over homes and business that have signs and or decals on them that show that they have a security system from a reputable agency, as a matter of course.


Article Source:   www.streetdirectory.com


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