Tips For Nanny Cams - Computer Controlled Security

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Tips For Nanny Cams



The point of using surveillance equipment such as nanny cams is to perform monitoring of activities surreptitiously. This product has been proven to be a very effective means to keep track of the nanny’s performance and to ensure the safety and security of children. But a nanny cam will only work to your advantage if you know how to use it. Here are tips on the best ways to hide a nanny cam:


Decide on what you want to monitor


Know exactly what it is about your nanny’s activities that you want to monitor. If you want to ensure that your child is not being mistreated, you might want to hide it in the child’s bedroom. If you want to monitor if the nanny is sticking to the required diet of the child, this gadget should be located in the kitchen. If you wish to know the type of recreation the nanny has with your child, a good place to hide a nanny cam is in the living room.


Hide the nanny cam in an object that will not be moved


Choose a place or an object that your nanny will have no reason to move or will find difficult to lift or adjust. An object or a location that is generally permanent will be a good choice, such as the TV or home media center, a large plastic flower pot in the corner or a decorative item such as a sculpture, a pot or a painting. That way, in case someone in the house decides to re-arrange anything, the view from this product is not changed or obstructed.


Avoid hiding the nanny cam in an object that will normally get the attention not just of the nanny but also your child. The cookie jar, for example, is off limits because there’s a good chance someone will come and check its contents. The same is true of the diaper drawer or the remote control container. A live plant pot might be a good hiding place, although someone might just come and pour water into it just to keep the plant healthy. That can easily damage this gadget.


Use a built-in nanny cam


A great way to hide a nanny cam is to keep it in plain sight. This product is built into common objects such as alarm clocks, wall clocks, books, small furniture, small sculptures and stuffed toys. This allows spy equipment to be integrated effortlessly with other everyday objects. As a result, something like a nanny cam is more likely to be ignored, allowing more ‘natural’ behavior on the part of the nanny.


Article Source:   Steve Thibeault –


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